Average farm real estate, cropland and pastureland values were higher in 2013 for many parts of the country. Farm real estate, cropland and pastureland values in the United States have all gone up this...
How can the dairy industry work against the odds? The way we grow up has more of an affect on our habits than one would think. Specifically, we are influenced by the actions of our parents. If you grew...
Balance of production and type earn recognitions.The American Guernsey Association presented awards at their National Guernsey Convention Awards breakfast. Hoard's Dairyman Farm Manager, Jason Yurs attended...
Extensive research conducted five decades ago still serves as the basis for milking practices today. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, nonmotile, nonsporulating,...
Creating solutions to forage needs. Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, presented "Playing the crop-year cards we've been dealt" webinar on Monday, July 8. Labeled the "perfect storm" by Mike Rankin,...
Young cows also score well. by Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager Over 200 milking cows were evaluated by American Jersey Cattle Association appraisers, Elizabeth Moss and Shawn Styer,...
Young cows also score well. Over 200 milking cows were evaluated by American Jersey Cattle Association appraisers, Elizabeth Moss and Shawn Styer, in mid-June 2013. At the end of the day, there were four...
High feed costs force heavier culling. Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants, LLP prepare accounting records for dairy operations in seven western states – Washington, Oregon, California...
Dairy feed cost situation is night and day different from a year ago. The West is scorching, yet much of the Midwest and East are soggy. And while crops there generally got a very slow start, high soil...
Association appraisal team apply final scores. by Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manger The Hoard's Dairyman Farm began in 1899 and Jerseys arrived in the fall of 2009 to join our long-established...
Association appraisal team applies final scores. The Hoard's Dairyman Farm began in 1899 and Jerseys arrived in the fall of 2009 to join our long-established Guernsey herd. Last week, the Jersey herd was...
Annual June event entertains and showcases technology. Dane County is home to Wisconsin's state capital, Madison. But, on June 8, the focus went from the city to the country as the Dane County's 35th annual...
Despite many promotional efforts, fluid milk consumption has been on the decline since the 1940s. Promotion efforts like the "Got Milk?" campaign and the "Fuel Up to Play 60" program are supported by dairy...
Hoard's Dairyman first launched an internship program in 1989, and it has remained a solid part of our editorial coverage for the past 25 years. This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Hoard's Dairyman...
4-H clubs work to educate the public about the dairy industry. Known for its delicious custard, Culver's in Johnson Creek, Wis., celebrated June is Dairy Month with its 1st Annual Culver's and Cows Event...
Resources available on the National Dairy FARM Program YouTube channel have been viewed 300,000 times since 2010. The National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) Program's YouTube channel...
Hoard's Dairyman webinar shares insight into feeding calves in group housing. Due to improved building design, ventilation and feeding systems, some producers are now feeding their calves milk in group...
A 20 percent drop in supply is predicted in 2013. A record corn crop and lower prices – keep your fingers crossed – are still forecast for 2013, but the same can't be said for whole cottonseed....
Mastitis occurs in individual cows. Our control programs are designed for the whole herd. "The ideal system for recording clinical mastitis will allow the practitioner to evaluate important cow factors...
Madison hosts thousands to promote the dairy industry. June is Dairy Month has been celebrated since 1937. Each region, state and town has its own unique way to honor dairy cows, the people who care for...